New management opportunities
We are pleased to inform our partners and those who are just going to become them that our team, observing the provisions of the roadmap for the development of the ARNO Token project, presented, for example, on our website, from now on has at its disposal a management company outside Belarus
Advanced Carbon Materials, LLC
With tax number 205743351
Bulgaria, Plovdiv 4000
Central district, Georgi Benkovski street, 34
The choice of the country of registration was caused by the country’s membership in the EU, soft tax policy of the state, a practical absence of bureaucracy, attractive prices for land plots and their availability, cheap labor and a short transport distance to two large European manufacturers of lead-acid batteries — MONBAT and Elhim Iskra. and the availability of laboratories at the Institute of Electrochemistry in Sofia.
All these factors will help our project in its further dynamic development, as well as in its successful implementation, ultimately.